Spatially aggregate airports per country
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import os
import geopandas as gpd
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from pyspark.sql.functions import col, expr, when, explode, hex
from sedona.spark import *
from utilities import getConfig
Setup Sedona environment¶
config = (
sedona = SedonaContext.create(config)
sc = sedona.sparkContext
sc.setSystemProperty("", "utf8")
:: loading settings :: url = jar:file:/home/jovyan/spark-3.4.2-bin-hadoop3/jars/ivy-2.5.1.jar!/org/apache/ivy/core/settings/ivysettings.xml
Ivy Default Cache set to: /home/jovyan/.ivy2/cache The jars for the packages stored in: /home/jovyan/.ivy2/jars org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-shaded-3.4_2.12 added as a dependency org.datasyslab#geotools-wrapper added as a dependency added as a dependency :: resolving dependencies :: org.apache.spark#spark-submit-parent-42c276ec-386f-421b-9fd0-00abbab81649;1.0 confs: [default] found org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-shaded-3.4_2.12;1.6.0 in central found org.datasyslab#geotools-wrapper;1.6.0-28.2 in central found;2.11.0-3.4 in central found com.github.scopt#scopt_2.12;4.1.0 in central downloading ... [SUCCESSFUL ] org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-shaded-3.4_2.12;1.6.0!sedona-spark-shaded-3.4_2.12.jar (3668ms) :: resolution report :: resolve 1816ms :: artifacts dl 3681ms :: modules in use: com.github.scopt#scopt_2.12;4.1.0 from central in [default] org.apache.sedona#sedona-spark-shaded-3.4_2.12;1.6.0 from central in [default] org.datasyslab#geotools-wrapper;1.6.0-28.2 from central in [default];2.11.0-3.4 from central in [default] --------------------------------------------------------------------- | | modules || artifacts | | conf | number| search|dwnlded|evicted|| number|dwnlded| --------------------------------------------------------------------- | default | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 || 4 | 1 | --------------------------------------------------------------------- :: retrieving :: org.apache.spark#spark-submit-parent-42c276ec-386f-421b-9fd0-00abbab81649 confs: [default] 1 artifacts copied, 3 already retrieved (21486kB/106ms) 24/05/22 18:02:24 WARN NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Setting default log level to "WARN". To adjust logging level use sc.setLogLevel(newLevel). For SparkR, use setLogLevel(newLevel).
Read countries shapefile into a Sedona DataFrame¶
Data link:
countries = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(
sc, "data/ne_50m_admin_0_countries_lakes/"
countries_df = Adapter.toDf(countries, sedona)
root |-- geometry: geometry (nullable = true) |-- featurecla: string (nullable = true) |-- scalerank: string (nullable = true) |-- LABELRANK: string (nullable = true) |-- SOVEREIGNT: string (nullable = true) |-- SOV_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- ADM0_DIF: string (nullable = true) |-- LEVEL: string (nullable = true) |-- TYPE: string (nullable = true) |-- ADMIN: string (nullable = true) |-- ADM0_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- GEOU_DIF: string (nullable = true) |-- GEOUNIT: string (nullable = true) |-- GU_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- SU_DIF: string (nullable = true) |-- SUBUNIT: string (nullable = true) |-- SU_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- BRK_DIFF: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_LONG: string (nullable = true) |-- BRK_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- BRK_NAME: string (nullable = true) |-- BRK_GROUP: string (nullable = true) |-- ABBREV: string (nullable = true) |-- POSTAL: string (nullable = true) |-- FORMAL_EN: string (nullable = true) |-- FORMAL_FR: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_CIAWF: string (nullable = true) |-- NOTE_ADM0: string (nullable = true) |-- NOTE_BRK: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_SORT: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_ALT: string (nullable = true) |-- MAPCOLOR7: string (nullable = true) |-- MAPCOLOR8: string (nullable = true) |-- MAPCOLOR9: string (nullable = true) |-- MAPCOLOR13: string (nullable = true) |-- POP_EST: string (nullable = true) |-- POP_RANK: string (nullable = true) |-- GDP_MD_EST: string (nullable = true) |-- POP_YEAR: string (nullable = true) |-- LASTCENSUS: string (nullable = true) |-- GDP_YEAR: string (nullable = true) |-- ECONOMY: string (nullable = true) |-- INCOME_GRP: string (nullable = true) |-- WIKIPEDIA: string (nullable = true) |-- FIPS_10_: string (nullable = true) |-- ISO_A2: string (nullable = true) |-- ISO_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- ISO_A3_EH: string (nullable = true) |-- ISO_N3: string (nullable = true) |-- UN_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- WB_A2: string (nullable = true) |-- WB_A3: string (nullable = true) |-- WOE_ID: string (nullable = true) |-- WOE_ID_EH: string (nullable = true) |-- WOE_NOTE: string (nullable = true) |-- ADM0_A3_IS: string (nullable = true) |-- ADM0_A3_US: string (nullable = true) |-- ADM0_A3_UN: string (nullable = true) |-- ADM0_A3_WB: string (nullable = true) |-- CONTINENT: string (nullable = true) |-- REGION_UN: string (nullable = true) |-- SUBREGION: string (nullable = true) |-- REGION_WB: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_LEN: string (nullable = true) |-- LONG_LEN: string (nullable = true) |-- ABBREV_LEN: string (nullable = true) |-- TINY: string (nullable = true) |-- HOMEPART: string (nullable = true) |-- MIN_ZOOM: string (nullable = true) |-- MIN_LABEL: string (nullable = true) |-- MAX_LABEL: string (nullable = true) |-- NE_ID: string (nullable = true) |-- WIKIDATAID: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_AR: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_BN: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_DE: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_EN: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_ES: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_FR: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_EL: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_HI: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_HU: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_ID: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_IT: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_JA: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_KO: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_NL: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_PL: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_PT: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_RU: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_SV: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_TR: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_VI: string (nullable = true) |-- NAME_ZH: string (nullable = true)
24/05/22 18:02:51 WARN package: Truncated the string representation of a plan since it was too large. This behavior can be adjusted by setting 'spark.sql.debug.maxToStringFields'.
Read airports shapefile into a Sedona DataFrame¶
Data link:
airports = ShapefileReader.readToGeometryRDD(sc, "data/ne_50m_airports/")
airports_df = Adapter.toDf(airports, sedona)
root |-- geometry: geometry (nullable = true) |-- scalerank: string (nullable = true) |-- featurecla: string (nullable = true) |-- type: string (nullable = true) |-- name: string (nullable = true) |-- abbrev: string (nullable = true) |-- location: string (nullable = true) |-- gps_code: string (nullable = true) |-- iata_code: string (nullable = true) |-- wikipedia: string (nullable = true) |-- natlscale: string (nullable = true)
Run Spatial Join using SQL API¶
result = sedona.sql(
"SELECT c.geometry as country_geom, c.NAME_EN, a.geometry as airport_geom, FROM country c, airport a WHERE ST_Contains(c.geometry, a.geometry)"
Run Spatial Join using RDD API¶
airports_rdd = Adapter.toSpatialRdd(airports_df, "geometry")
# Drop the duplicate name column in countries_df
countries_df = countries_df.drop("NAME")
countries_rdd = Adapter.toSpatialRdd(countries_df, "geometry")
# 4 is the num partitions used in spatial partitioning. This is an optional parameter
airports_rdd.spatialPartitioning(GridType.KDBTREE, 4)
buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD = True
usingIndex = True
considerBoundaryIntersection = True
airports_rdd.buildIndex(IndexType.QUADTREE, buildOnSpatialPartitionedRDD)
result_pair_rdd = JoinQueryRaw.SpatialJoinQueryFlat(
airports_rdd, countries_rdd, usingIndex, considerBoundaryIntersection
result2 = Adapter.toDf(
result_pair_rdd, countries_rdd.fieldNames, airports.fieldNames, sedona
# Select the columns needed in the join
result2 = sedona.sql(
"SELECT leftgeometry as country_geom, NAME_EN, rightgeometry as airport_geom, name FROM join_result_with_all_cols"
Print spatial join results¶
# The result of SQL API
# The result of RDD API
24/05/22 18:03:06 WARN JoinQuery: UseIndex is true, but no index exists. Will build index on the fly.
+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ | country_geom| NAME_EN| airport_geom| name| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |MULTIPOLYGON (((1...|Taiwan ...|POINT (121.231370...|Taoyuan ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((5...|Netherlands ...|POINT (4.76437693...|Schiphol ...| |POLYGON ((103.969...|Singapore ...|POINT (103.986413...|Singapore Changi ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United Kingdom ...|POINT (-0.4531566...|London Heathrow ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-149.98172...|Anchorage Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-84.425397...|Hartsfield-Jackso...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((1...|People's Republic...|POINT (116.588174...|Beijing Capital ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Colombia ...|POINT (-74.143371...|Eldorado Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((6...|India ...|POINT (72.8745639...|Chhatrapati Shiva...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-71.016406...|Gen E L Logan Int...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-76.668642...|Baltimore-Washing...| |POLYGON ((36.8713...|Egypt ...|POINT (31.3997430...|Cairo Int'l ...| |POLYGON ((-2.2196...|Morocco ...|POINT (-7.6632188...|Casablanca-Anfa ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Venezuela ...|POINT (-67.005748...|Simon Bolivar Int...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((2...|South Africa ...|POINT (18.5976565...|Cape Town Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((1...|People's Republic...|POINT (103.956136...|Chengdushuang Liu...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((6...|India ...|POINT (77.0878362...|Indira Gandhi Int...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-104.67379...|Denver Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-97.040371...|Dallas-Ft. Worth ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((1...|Thailand ...|POINT (100.602578...|Don Muang Int'l ...| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ only showing top 20 rows
+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ | country_geom| NAME_EN| airport_geom| name| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-80.145258...|Fort Lauderdale H...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-80.278971...|Miami Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-95.333704...|George Bush Inter...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-90.256693...|New Orleans Int'l...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-81.307371...|Orlando Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-82.534824...|Tampa Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-112.01363...|Sky Harbor Int'l ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-118.40246...|Los Angeles Int'l...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-116.97547...|General Abelardo ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-97.040371...|Dallas-Ft. Worth ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|United States of ...|POINT (-84.425397...|Hartsfield-Jackso...| |POLYGON ((-69.965...|Peru ...|POINT (-77.107565...|Jorge Chavez ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Panama ...|POINT (-79.387134...|Tocumen Int'l ...| |POLYGON ((-83.157...|Nicaragua ...|POINT (-86.171284...|Augusto Cesar San...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Mexico ...|POINT (-96.183570...|Gen. Heriberto Ja...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Mexico ...|POINT (-106.27001...|General Rafael Bu...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Mexico ...|POINT (-99.754508...|General Juan N Al...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Mexico ...|POINT (-99.570649...|Jose Maria Morelo...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Mexico ...|POINT (-98.375759...|Puebla ...| |MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|Mexico ...|POINT (-99.082607...|Lic Benito Juarez...| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ only showing top 20 rows
Group airports by country¶
# result.createOrReplaceTempView("result")
groupedresult = sedona.sql(
"SELECT c.NAME_EN, c.country_geom, count(*) as AirportCount FROM result c GROUP BY c.NAME_EN, c.country_geom"
+--------------------+--------------------+------------+ | NAME_EN| country_geom|AirportCount| +--------------------+--------------------+------------+ |Cuba ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 1| |Mexico ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 12| |Panama ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 1| |Nicaragua ...|POLYGON ((-83.157...| 1| |Honduras ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 1| |Colombia ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 4| |United States of ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 35| |Ecuador ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 1| |The Bahamas ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 1| |Peru ...|POLYGON ((-69.965...| 1| |Guatemala ...|POLYGON ((-92.235...| 1| |Canada ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 15| |Venezuela ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 3| |Argentina ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 3| |Bolivia ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 2| |Paraguay ...|POLYGON ((-58.159...| 1| |Benin ...|POLYGON ((1.62265...| 1| |Guinea ...|POLYGON ((-10.283...| 1| |Chile ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...| 5| |Nigeria ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((7...| 3| +--------------------+--------------------+------------+ only showing top 20 rows
Visualize the number of airports in each country¶
Visualize using SedonaKepler¶
sedona_kepler_map = SedonaKepler.create_map(
df=groupedresult, name="AirportCount", config=getConfig()
User Guide:
KeplerGl(config={'version': 'v1', 'config': {'visState': {'filters': [], 'layers': [{'id': 'ikzru0t', 'type': …
Visualize using SedonaPyDeck¶
The above visualization is generated by a pre-set config informing SedonaKepler that the map to be rendered has to be a choropleth map with choropleth of the AirportCount
column value.
This can be also be achieved using SedonaPyDeck and its create_choropleth_map
sedona_pydeck_map = SedonaPyDeck.create_choropleth_map(
df=groupedresult, plot_col="AirportCount"
Visualize Uber H3 cells using SedonaKepler¶
The following tutorial depicts how Uber H3 cells can be generated using Sedona and visualized using SedonaKepler.
Generate H3 cell IDs¶
ST_H3CellIDs can be used to generated cell IDs for given geometries
h3_df = sedona.sql(
"SELECT g.NAME_EN, g.country_geom, ST_H3CellIDs(g.country_geom, 3, false) as h3_cellID from grouped_result g"
[Stage 42:> (0 + 1) / 1]
+--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ | NAME_EN| country_geom| h3_cellID| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ |Cuba ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|[5911955825051566...| |Mexico ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|[5918915733655388...| +--------------------+--------------------+--------------------+ only showing top 2 rows
Since each geometry can have multiple H3 cell IDs, let's explode the generated H3 cell ID array to get individual cells¶
exploded_h3 =
h3_df.NAME_EN, h3_df.country_geom, explode(h3_df.h3_cellID).alias("h3")
[Stage 45:=================================================> (6 + 1) / 7]
+--------------------+--------------------+------------------+ | NAME_EN| country_geom| h3| +--------------------+--------------------+------------------+ |Cuba ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|591195582505156607| |Cuba ...|MULTIPOLYGON (((-...|591195513785679871| +--------------------+--------------------+------------------+ only showing top 2 rows
Convert generated long H3 cell ID to a hex cell ID¶
SedonaKepler accepts each H3 cell ID as a hexadecimal to automatically visualize them. Also, let us sample the data to be able to visualize sparse cells on the map.
exploded_h3 = exploded_h3.sample(0.3)
hex_exploded_h3 =
exploded_h3.NAME_EN, hex(exploded_h3.h3).alias("ex_h3")
[Stage 52:=================================================> (6 + 1) / 7]
+--------------------+---------------+ | NAME_EN| ex_h3| +--------------------+---------------+ |Cuba ...|83459EFFFFFFFFF| |Cuba ...|83459DFFFFFFFFF| +--------------------+---------------+ only showing top 2 rows root |-- NAME_EN: string (nullable = true) |-- ex_h3: string (nullable = true)
Visualize using SedonaKepler¶
Now, simply provide the final df to SedonaKepler.create_map and you can automagically visualize the H3 cells on the map!
sedona_kepler_h3 = SedonaKepler.create_map(df=hex_exploded_h3, name="h3")
User Guide:
KeplerGl(data={'h3': {'index': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, …